I changed out our sensory box and added some beans, dried peas and popcorn. He wasn't a huge fan last year of just the leaves and pine cones. So I vamped it up for him. So pretty! Wish fall looked like this.
Success! He played for an hour. Lots of scooping and pouring. He shared with me and RC.
He then started sorting the peas with the leaves, all on his own. He was matching colors.
He also did some fine motor work by stringing the paper through the bottom of the funnel and up. I love watching what he comes up with this year. All these new activities that are not mine, all his own.
We also tried a new activity today. Thank you Amanda for sharing it. I gave him a package of cups that have been lying around since his birthday unused. We used them as blocks and built large towers and knocked them down. Good thing about that no one gets hurt and it isn't loud. Then they were monster truck obstacles, and bowling pins. Who knew cups were so fun?
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