While we were there this last weekend I took pictures of areas to keep. My visits up there become longer apart. But it's something I don't want to forget. So heres a glimpse of that life and the memories it holds.

He's probably thinking I thought I had a big yard.
Here's the small town of Arp where my grandparents live. They live in a town of about 900 people where there is a gas station and a donut shop. 

This weekend served a few purposes. Introduce Reed to my family,
My wonderful Granny! She is a beautiful soul and has a huge family. She is a great, great grandma and I think that is so fascinating!

My beautiful Mamma who is so funny and playful with my little ones.
My sweet sweet Pappaw who is one of the kindest, patient men I have ever known.
This is my other sweet Pappaw who passed away 25 years ago. I only knew him a short time and wish I knew him longer. He was quite the tickler, loved to play WaHoo, wore red socks every Saturday (which is why Jman does too). He lived quite the life and I hear he was an amazing man. Thanks to my dad for finding these pictures this weekend.
His last birthday, my last memory of him.
This weekend my grandparents packed up their house and left their small town o move to San Antonio with my parents. A big, scary, new adventure for all. I am so excited about this because I never got to spend much time with them or really get to know them. They now get to see their great grand babies grow up, all 7 of them. Such a precious gift of time we have been given.
This weekend also was a sad time as we said goodbye to my Uncle Larry. My dad held a memorial for his older brother. Uncle Larry holds good times in my heart. We always had so much fun when him and my dad were together. They have such great great stories!
I was able to see so many cousins this weekend: Lisa, Erin, Avery, Camdyn, Blake, David, Leah, Trevor, Jessica, Julie, Seth. I'm sure there are more that I didn't even know were cousins. Also some of those are second and third cousins!
Such a great weekend all around and something to cherish. Family is so important and it holds so much history. As I get older I realize this and hope to learn more before its too late.
Love my family Carpenter and Swinney!
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